Here is the error message I have when plugin the usb
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Error mounting /dev/sdb1 at /run/media/aurelie/c6b9fa76-1d26-4349-aec9-72dad647a1b3: Command-line `mount -t "ext4" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid" "/dev/sdb1" "/run/media/aurelie/c6b9fa76-1d26-4349-aec9-72dad647a1b3"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: /run/media/aurelie/c6b9fa76-1d26-4349-aec9-72dad647a1b3: can't read superblock on /dev/sdb1
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OS: Slackel Linux 5.4.57 x86_64
####### Host: 3626HMG ThinkPad X201
########### Kernel: 5.4.57
############# Uptime: 3 mins
############### Packages: 946 (pkgtool)
################ Shell: bash 5.0.18
################# Resolution: 1280x800
##################### WM: Openbox
##################### WM Theme: Clearlooks-Olive
################# Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3]
Icons: matefaenza [GTK2/3]
Terminal: lxterminal
Terminal Font: Terminus 12
CPU: Intel i5 M 520 (4) @ 2.400GHz
GPU: Intel Core Processor
Memory: 646MiB / 1840MiB
I assume it's not because initrd, I was thinking of a swap problem.