I just installed the Slackel 64 bit, Openbox system and it seems to be doing very well so far.
It is running on a Dell D830, Intel Dual Core, 2 GB CPU, Intel graphics chip.
My preferred browser is Google Chrome. I would like to add the Chrome icon and launcher to the panel, next to the Midori icon.
Could someone explain how the panel is edited. Thanks!
How to add panel launch icons on Slackel Openbox
Re: How to add panel launch icons on Slackel Openbox
I suppose you have installed google-chrome
Edit file ~/.config/fbpanel/default
After line 221 where midori icon code ends and bellow, add these lines
Note: copy the icons to /usr/share/pixmaps to appear in panel.
To add google-chrome on Desktop
Next refresh your desktop and restart openbox or logout and log in again.
Code: Select all
sudo slapt-get -u
sudo slapt-get -i google-chrome
Code: Select all
geany ~/.config/fbpanel/default
Code: Select all
button {
icon = product_logo_64
tooltip = Google Chrome
action = google-chrome-stable
Code: Select all
sudo cp /opt/google/chrome/product_logo_64.png /usr/share/pixmaps/
Code: Select all
cp /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop ~/Desktop
Re: How to add panel launch icons on Slackel Openbox
Worked great, thanks very much!
On a side note, within that same file, ~/.config/fbpanel/default, at5 line 371, HoursView = 24.
I changed that to 12 to get my panel clock to read in 12 hour time.
Worked great, thanks very much!
On a side note, within that same file, ~/.config/fbpanel/default, at5 line 371, HoursView = 24.
I changed that to 12 to get my panel clock to read in 12 hour time.