Maybe I should mention that the motherboard came with 2 RealTek ethernet connections but I added added a third (by installing an internal card) from Intel.djemos wrote:I think i found what is the problem. Stop the standard single network wifi startup script ( wireless) runand hit spacebar key to uncheck wireless ( can do the same from menus- > system -> system services)Code: Select all
sudo servicesetup
Then from wicd do a refresh and click on wired network to connector rebootCode: Select all
sudo service restart inet1
So if the command inet1 refers to the connection, on Sparky the active connection is eth2 (eth0 and eth1 are inactive).
(I'm going to wait until you confirm that detail before attempting it).
As I said, the Slackel live session finds the active connection automatically (and I think Salix did too but I don't remember for sure. There were other problems as I recall and the Slackel installation application is much better also).
Sparky Multimedia uses Openbox although it's fundamentally LXDE (to which I added some Xfce applications).