Rolling my own iso
Posted: 05 Jul 2016 17:43
Nice work with the distro and basing it on Slackware Current.
I know the scripts are on your git page, but I thought there was a How To thread in the forum, or a document on the git page, if I wanted to creatre my own installation iso - I'm thinking of creating a fluxbox spin of slackel, if only to see if I can do it.
If that document exists, can you link me to it?
I know the scripts are on your git page, but I thought there was a How To thread in the forum, or a document on the git page, if I wanted to creatre my own installation iso - I'm thinking of creating a fluxbox spin of slackel, if only to see if I can do it.
If that document exists, can you link me to it?