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I tried to upgrade gibc and followed instructions as before:
When you upgrade glibc because sometimes system can break i do this.
sudo slapt-get -i -d glibc glibc-i18n glibc-profile
Then i go to init 1
sudo init 1
and for there i run
password for root
upgradepkg /var/slapt-get/slackware64/l/glibc*
then go to init 4
init 4
This way there is no way to break the system
However, this time the system broke and shortly after booting I get
kernel panic try to pass init to kernel.
How can I fix this? .
If I mount Slackel from Salix it looks everything is in place even previous
glibc* in /var/slapt-get/slackware/l/
If you get kernel panic, did you upgrade the kernel also? Did you run sudo update-grub after kernel update before reboot your system?
Start the system from another partition or the installation CD/live CD, mount the / partition somewhere and reinstall the glibc package:
sudo installpkg --root /mount-point-of-slackel-partition glibc-2.26-x86_64-3.txz glibc-i18n-2.26-x86_64-3.txz glibc-profile-2.26-x86_64-3.txz
sudo spkg --root=/mountpoint -u --reinstall /mountpoint/var/slapt-get/slackware64/l/glibc-*
Look what kernel is installed in slackel ls -l /var/log/packages/kernel-*
If you get kernel panic again then chroot to slackel partition and run from there sudo update-grub. If you run slackel along with other linux distro's then run sudo update-grub from e.g salix to see what kernel is using to boot.